New Peak Families,
Welcome to our expeditionary school community! I met many of you in May and look forward to meeting new families as we start the school year. I just wanted to send a quick message so you know what to expect in the upcoming weeks:
*Thursday August 11th - Last chance for anyone who did NOT get to see us in May to come to Peak and meet your Kindergarten teachers. We will meet in the Active Learning Garden in the front of school at 3:30. If you already joined us in May, we look forward to seeing you at the start of school!
*School Supplies - You do not need to buy supplies in advance:). We believe it is best for our CREW culture for our students to have shared supplies and all the basics (paper, pencils, crayons, etc.). So this will be our 3rd year of having a simple $20 fee for school supplies that will be available to pay online after the first day of school. Any family that qualifies for Free/Reduced Lunch will not need to pay this fee.
*Suggested Items - School bags, lunch boxes (if not purchasing), hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, and water bottle are the essential items. If you need any support with these items, please reply to this email and we will reach out with items for your student.
*First Day of School Tuesday August 16th - Students that want to purchase breakfast or receive breakfast (FRL), need to arrive at school by 7:45 AM. Please park and walk your student to the main doors of our building. Everyone else can join us at the normal arrival time of 8-8:15. Please park and walk your student up and you will be directed to our South Entrance where Kindergarten students enter the building.
*Hug & Go Zone - On the first day of school, it works best to set a norm that works for the rest of the year, so we will encourage a hug and go as students walk in the door and directly into their classroom. We know this is challenging and will support you in every way possible with these important first days of coming to school.
*Class Assignment - We are finalizing class assignments as a few spots changed throughout the summer. This information will come out next Wednesday August 10th, along with any online registration forms we collect at the beginning of the year. If you need support with any online forms, you are welcomed to come in and work with our secretaries in the main office on Thursday and Friday between 8-3:30PM.
I hope you're enjoying an amazing summer! I can't wait to meet and greet you and your family as part of our CREW here at Peak.
Make it a great day!
Tim Carlin
Principal of Fun
Peak Expeditionary School
at Pennington