Peak Expeditionary School is purposefully different! We are here to change learning and change lives. We believe learning should be challenging, meaningful, and adventurous! Peak is a PreK-5 school that has a Colorado environment theme at each grade level (Pre K - Shortgrass, K-Foothills, 1-Montane Forest, 2nd-Alpine, 3rd-Riparian (river), 4th-Canyonlands, 5th-Alpine). Our students will go on outdoor adventures into each environment with the support of Colorado Mountain Club, Snowboard Outreach Society, and other community sponsors. Students will have a chance to hike, bike, climb, and even snowboard in the Rocky Mountains that we call home.
As an Expeditionary School we offer hands on learning expeditions connected to our curriculum for all students, taking learning outside our classrooms and into our community. Our approach to literacy integrates Science & Social Studies topics that we connect with field experiences as students think like: scientists, mathematicians, journalists, engineers, and explorers. We believe in a 3 dimensional view of student achievement that includes: Knowledge & Skills, Character, and Quality Work. Our character education is called CREW, which stands for Courage, Respect, Empathy, and quality Work. Students engage in project based learning experiences connected with our CREW character traits throughout the school year and display their amazing work throughout our building. Throughout the school year we engage our families as true learning partners, giving parents and family members a chance to join out in the field on adventures and expeditions, in the classroom as experts, and during our community engagement activities such as our annual Stakeholder's Summit - a dinner for everyone in our school community and chance to collaborate on the direction of our school each year.
Peak Expeditionary School is committed to maintaining and supporting a beautifully diverse school. There are NO fees for any of our over 100+ field experiences, which are now additionally funded through our Expanded Learning Time Grant with CDE! Our school hours are Monday-Friday 8:15AM - 3:15PM, pick up for K-1 is at 3:00 PM. Before and after school programs will be run by our YMCA partners, for more information on their programs please click on the link below:
Peak YMCA Programs